Barrow money from your Upline to get started.
Beg the prospect to join. Tell them anything, as long as they join.
Pay their application fee.
Help the prospect by loaning them money to buy product.
Promise to help them sign up all their prospects, don't let them work at all.
Call their People list.
Tell them they are going to get rich fast (like you).
Don’t be professional.
Show up late and do all the talking.
Never, ever listen to your prospect.
Argue, always.
Don’t do anything, at all, never, But make sure your Upline works for you.
Complain to everyone you meet.
Gossip, about anyone to anyone who will listen.
Complain about your Upline to your Downlines.
Complain about your Downlines to your Downlines.
Complain about the company, products, pay plan, everything.
Show no commitment. Only Start with a Company if your friends commit to sign in with you.
Show no leadership, ask your downline what to do.
Dress poorly, do not shower, and never brush your teeth.
Tell your prospect you need them to join so you can make you quota for the month.
Never instill any team spirit into your group.
Never lead the way.
And whatever you do, never show your group how to get their dreams, focus only on yours.
How we deal with people. How we appear to them and how we behave in front of them makes all the difference. Develop yourself by enhancing your people skills. If you have never read the Classic how to relate to people book, you need to.
John D. Rockefeller - The American Industrialist and philanthropist. And one of the richest men in the world said, “I will pay more for the ability to deal with people before any other ability under the sun”.
Go to any good bookstore and pick up a copy of Dale Carnegie's Book How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is a must read for any one in the people business.
Hope you had a laugh and learned something too.
To Your Amazing Success.
Jane Cagle
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