Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jim Rohn: How to Avoid Being Broke and Stupid

THIS MADE ME LAUGH- Why attend trainings over and over. Well the more you learn, (and apply) the more you can earn. Becoming a leader means more business for you because people want to associate with winners.

Everyone can become a leader. Watch the video by Jim Rohn. And have a laugh, and also don’t forget never miss an opportunity to increase your skill levels.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Favorite Quote #5 Thomas Huxley

From Thomas Huxley "Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not."

Hello Everyone,

Like it or not, achievement comes with a price - but then so does failure.

With our personal achievements comes things we can enjoy, or even need. Food on the table is good, a nice car to drive, safe, enjoyable home. Being able to help those in need.

When we choose to not look beyond the present and live for the comfortable moments we often bear the results. Lack, having to seek the help of others, that may not have anything to give. Not enough food, a broken down car or no car at all. Living in hostile or poor conditions. And never being to help others because you cannot even help yourself.

But things can change, today. Do what you do not like today, and your tomorrows can be better. Follow what Thomas Huxley has to say and you can be one of the ones that live a little better.

And change can come from within, but change an also come from God. Ask Jesus to help you. He is just a prayer away.
