Saturday, May 2, 2009
Jim Rohn: How to Avoid Being Broke and Stupid
Everyone can become a leader. Watch the video by Jim Rohn. And have a laugh, and also don’t forget never miss an opportunity to increase your skill levels.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Favorite Quote #5 Thomas Huxley
Hello Everyone,
Like it or not, achievement comes with a price - but then so does failure.
With our personal achievements comes things we can enjoy, or even need. Food on the table is good, a nice car to drive, safe, enjoyable home. Being able to help those in need.
When we choose to not look beyond the present and live for the comfortable moments we often bear the results. Lack, having to seek the help of others, that may not have anything to give. Not enough food, a broken down car or no car at all. Living in hostile or poor conditions. And never being to help others because you cannot even help yourself.
But things can change, today. Do what you do not like today, and your tomorrows can be better. Follow what Thomas Huxley has to say and you can be one of the ones that live a little better.
And change can come from within, but change an also come from God. Ask Jesus to help you. He is just a prayer away.
Friday, April 17, 2009
24 Ways on How to Fail in Network Marketing
Barrow money from your Upline to get started.
Beg the prospect to join. Tell them anything, as long as they join.
Pay their application fee.
Help the prospect by loaning them money to buy product.
Promise to help them sign up all their prospects, don't let them work at all.
Call their People list.
Tell them they are going to get rich fast (like you).
Don’t be professional.
Show up late and do all the talking.
Never, ever listen to your prospect.
Argue, always.
Don’t do anything, at all, never, But make sure your Upline works for you.
Complain to everyone you meet.
Gossip, about anyone to anyone who will listen.
Complain about your Upline to your Downlines.
Complain about your Downlines to your Downlines.
Complain about the company, products, pay plan, everything.
Show no commitment. Only Start with a Company if your friends commit to sign in with you.
Show no leadership, ask your downline what to do.
Dress poorly, do not shower, and never brush your teeth.
Tell your prospect you need them to join so you can make you quota for the month.
Never instill any team spirit into your group.
Never lead the way.
And whatever you do, never show your group how to get their dreams, focus only on yours.
How we deal with people. How we appear to them and how we behave in front of them makes all the difference. Develop yourself by enhancing your people skills. If you have never read the Classic how to relate to people book, you need to.
John D. Rockefeller - The American Industrialist and philanthropist. And one of the richest men in the world said, “I will pay more for the ability to deal with people before any other ability under the sun”.
Go to any good bookstore and pick up a copy of Dale Carnegie's Book How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is a must read for any one in the people business.
Hope you had a laugh and learned something too.
To Your Amazing Success.
Jane Cagle
Favorite Quote #4 Theodore Roosevelt
Do what you can,
with what you have,
where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
While too many distributors look at this business as a business of Sales, really it is not. True, if no product (or service) is moved we will not earn anything. Yet the way networking is done is a totally different type of “selling”.
Many people use the movie analogy, where if you like a movie, you tell others and they go and enjoy it too. Well this is true and not true. Yes, the friend enjoys the movie and yes you do not get paid for the referral. You see, they will only go to the movie if they value the person's opinion. Otherwise they will not go.
In networking when we share a great product with others, we do get paid. This now does make us a salesman of sorts. So anyone who says we are not in sales as a Networker is not seeing the whole picture.
Now, if the the referrer (distributor) is not liked or respected as a friend, or someone trustworthy, then once the distributor tries to share the product, it will not be received. Right?
To the point. We are not selling products as much as we are selling ourselves. If you are seen as a trusted, honest, and credible person then you get the opportunity to have an audience with others. But if you are not seen as a credible person, no matter how good your product is, no one will buy it (except your mother).
True Networking is a People Business. Understand and dealing with people is Key. I wrote a pretty good article on how to establish rapport with others and check out my site for more information on relationships.
Find my Site Here.

Find the Article on 4 Easy steps to RAPID RAPPORT here.
To Your Amazing Success,
Jane Cagle
Professional Network Builder
Favorite Quotes #3 Michael Jordan
Jane's MLM Reflections #4 Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm – As the quote goes by Vince Lombardi - If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm fuels this business and if you are not excited about what your doing – Why expect anyone else to be. This means you must know what drives you. I'm enthusiastic because I have a very good program that can help others become financially free. And very healthy.
I like that. Maybe you like your company's new car program, or the products or the freedom this business brings you. You must know why you like it, what excites you.
THE ANSWER- Write out a list (the more the Better) of why you are enthusiastic and let it lite a fire in you.